What is Toastmaster   Communication Track

This manual, which has 10 speech projects, is the first step in the communication track. It helps develop your speaking skills one step at a time. Every projects builds upon what you learned in the preceding project. As you prepare and present each project speech you'll learn the importance of organization, how to use body language and voice to convey your message, select the right words and use visual aids. You also learn how to speak persuasively and inspire others.

An evaluator will give your feedback on each speech you present and help you to improve. When you compete this manual you are eligible for Competent Communicator (CC) recognition. Complete the CC application in the manual and ask your Vice President of Education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a CC Certificate and, if this is your first CC award, two Advanced Communication manuals free of charge.


After receiving CC recognition you can work in the Advanced Communication manuals, where you can refine and enhance your speaking skills. There are 16 manuals, each containing five speech projects. Many of the manuals are career-oriented. You choose the manuals you want to complete and the skills you want to learn.
The manuals are:

  • The Entertaining Speaker (226A)
  • Speaking to Inform (226B)
  • Public Relations (226C)
  • The Discussion Leader (226D)
  • Specialty Speeches (226E)
  • Speeches by Management (226F)
  • The Professional Speaker (226G)
  • Technical Presentations(226H)
  • Persuasive Speaking (226I)
  • Communicating on Television (226J)
  • Storytelling (226K)
  • Interpretive Reading (226L)
  • Interpersonal Communication (226M)
  • Special Occasion Speeches (226N)
  • The Entertaining Speaker (226A)
  • Humourously Speaking (226O)

When you work in the advanced manuals, you are eligible for several awards

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