Northpark Toastmasters
President’s Distinguished 8 Consecutive Years
Mission: To Inspire, Inform and Serve all Members
February 4, 2009
A Note from the President:
I enjoyed the Toastmasters Leadership Institute training last weekend. It was great to see so many involved and passionate Toastmaster’s in one place. There was standing room only in many of the rooms! As I listened to the discussions during the President’s training, I was reminded once again what an amazing group of individuals you all are and how thankful I am to be part of such an involved and active club. We have none of the pettiness I heard discussed by other clubs and I mean NONE! It has been a pleasure to work with all of you and to hear the great speeches and evaluations each week! You are all such a blessing!!
Welcome New Members!! (26 current members)
Kelley Hutchinson – Promotional Marketer
Matt Lacy – Life Coach
Kevin Holston – Health, Wellness and Productivity Consultant at NASCO
Shea Ellison – Success Catalyst
Stanley “Mac” Smith – Manager at local Accounting firm
Mary Lou Casey – Registered Representative, Principal Financial Group
We had a great International Speech Contest last week. Thank you to the speakers: Kevin Holston and John Murrieta. I will be looking forward to the Area Contest that will be held on March 6th at the UPS (more information times will be provided soon). Special thanks also to all the participants who made the contest run so smoothly:
Patty Boyce - Contest Master
Darryl Moore – Master Judge
Patrick West – Judge
Bill Hamilton – Judge
Daniel Moskowitz – Judge
Kim Beckett and Nubea Lima- Timer
Kelly Hutchinson – Counter
TABLE TOPICS CONTEST - MARCH 1st with the winner participating March 6th in the area contest.
Please let Daniel Moskowitz know if you are interested in participating in the Table Topics Contest. This is one of the few contests with no preparation, just your story telling ability! The area contest for this will be the same day as the International Speech Contest.
Please help our club meet our goals and encourage one another to meet individual goals. (Note the names in red are complete and the names in black are suggestions. Goals need to be completed by June 30).
Goals for President’s Distinguished Club: 5 out 10 completed!
§ 2 CC’s (Terri Whitt and Jason Adler)
§ 2 more CC’s (Gary C., Jorge Enderica, Kim B., Russell S., or Nubea)
§ 1 ACB, ACS or ACG (Daniel Moskowitz)
§ 1 more ACB, ACS, or ACG (Patrick West or Bill Hamilton)
§ 1 CL, ALB, ALS or DTM Joe Gillis
§ 1 more CL, ALB, ALS or DTM Patty Boyce
§ 8 total new member – We continue add new members
§ Minimum of 4 Officers training each training 3 Officers just completed
§ Pay dues and Submit Officer list on time completed, (due again in April)
Agatha’s Mystery Dinner Theatre
Sunday, March 7th
Arrive by 5:30, show starts at 6:00
161 Peachtree Center Avenue Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 584-2255
Join us for a fun evening at Agatha’s Mystery Dinner Theater. The club will pay the cost ($57.50) for members with over a year membership in the club. For new members with less than a year, the club will pay for half of your ticket, $28.75. Guests are welcome at a cost of $57.50. This cost covers a 5 course meal, some wine and the show. There is a cash bar if you would like to purchase additional drinks. We will start collecting checks next Monday, February 8th and the money is due no later than Monday, March 1st. If you are unable to attend a meeting you may contact Gary Clements or myself and mail the check.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to make your comments to me or another club Officer.
Keep in mind the new Officer positions for the 2010 – 2011 calendar year. We will have elections in June and the new term will start July 1st. If you are interested in a particular position, please talk to the Officer serving in that role. Positions include: Sgt. of Arms, President, VP of Education, VP of Public Relations, VP of Membership, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Amy Evans |