What is Toastmaster Leadership Track    About Awards

To be eligible for this award, you must have:

  • Achieved new Competent Leader award
  • Achieved Competent Communicator award (or Competent Toastmaster award)
  • Served at least six months as a club officer (president, vice president education, vice president membership, vice president public relations, secretary, treasurer or sergeant at arms) and participated in the preparation of a Club Success Plan while serving in this office.
  • While serving in the above office, participated in a district-sponsored club officer training program.
  • Conducted any two programs from The Successful Club Series and/or The Leadership Excellence Series (may not be those completed for previous awards)


To be eligible for this award, you must have:

  • Achieved Advanced Leader Bronze award (or "old" Competent Leader award)
  • Served a complete term as a district officer (district governor, lieutenant governor, public relations officer, secretary, treasurer, division governor or area governor). A complete term is defined as having served at least from September 1 through June 30. Those assuming office after September 1 do not qualify as having served a full term.
  • Completed the High Performance Leadership Program (see below)
  • Served successfully as a club sponsor, mentor or coach.

To apply for any of the Advanced Leader awards, complete the appropriate section of the AL/DTM application and ask your vice president education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a certificate and, if you wish, World Headquarters will send a letter to your employer about your achievement.

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