As your improved communication skills become obvious within the workplace, increased visibility, recognition and promotion will follow.
Your improved presentation skills will win you the respect and admiration of your colleagues and employees—and make them wonder what you did to change!
Leadership skills acquired through participation in Toastmasters will increase your management potential.
You will acquire an increased ability to motivate and persuade, making you more effective as a supervisor or manager
You’ll have access to a wide range of educational materials, including books, CDs, DVDs and seminar programs, available at reduced cost through the Toastmasters International Supply Catalog.
The Toastmasters program exposes each participant to a wide range of communication and leadership experiences.
Each new member receives a New Member Kit which includes the Competent Communication and Competent Leadership manuals, general orientation materials, and helpful booklets on evaluation, using gestures and vocal variety.
If you want to focus on improving your speaking skills, you’ll want to work in the Competent Communication manual. If you prefer to develop your leadership skills first, you may work in the Competent Leadership manual. Or you may work in both manuals at the same time. The choice is yours.
Each of the projects in the Competent Communication and Competent Leadership manuals focuses on developing a specific speaking or leadership skill.
After completing each project in the manuals, you’ll receive a constructive evaluation that will recognize your strengths and offer suggestions for improvement.
You’ll have the opportunity to participate in the advanced communication and advanced leadership programs, where you can further refine your communication and leadership skills. The advanced communication program features 15 manuals on such topics as public relations, management and technical presentations. The advanced leadership program gives you the opportunity to serve in leadership positions at the club and district levels, where you learn how to motivate and lead others to achieve goals.